Partners since 2019

The story

Two thirds of us wear glasses and almost all of us have invested in phones, laptops, tablets or cameras that rely on clean surfaces and lenses. Few of us avoid the inevitable smudges, so we end up viewing the world through a dirty lens or screen.

Why we got involved

In partnership with Fashioneyewear, we decided to fill the gap that exists for a high quality, premium brand in lens accessories focused on superior lens cleaning.

We created a premium quality cleaning brand which provides effective and beautifully designed solutions to keep glasses and expensive kit clean and cared for.

Fingerprints helps us all see the world clearly.

How we’re helping

We sourced, designed and manufactured the products, working with a chemist to create effective, beautifully fragranced, fog-free cleaning solutions and professional grade microfibre cloths.

We created the Fingerprints brand, launched it online and are marketing it on the Fashioneyewear platform. We are now expanding the brand through relevant retail channels.


Yolky Games